Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I found this great song from www.meandmarielearning.blogspot.com, and we learned it in preschool on the first day of class.  We have been singing it at least a couple of times every month.  I feel it is important for the cute preschool kids to know how special they are!!  Feel free to sing it with your cute kiddos at home- they should know it pretty well. :)


Our first day of preschool was a success!!  Our topic for the first week is "All about Me", so we traced each other on paper, and colored and decorated them to match ourselves and what we like.  It was so much fun!  We also talked about feelings, and sang a fun song.  Here are a few pictures, more will come soon!


Hehe-can you tell we are having LOTS of fun?? :)

~CLASS OF 2012-2013~

Introducing our Little Lovebugs, class of 2012-2013!  I am so excited to work with these cute kids this year.  Stay tuned for many more posts of these cute kids!

If you like what you see here, check out my photography blog!  The link is at the top of this page.


Aren't these kids CUTE??  And look at my cute little man-an "unofficial" little lovebug. :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012


DISCLAIMER!  The photographs used on this blog are to keep in contact with my awesome preschool parents.  It is designed to keep you informed of the fun projects and activities we are doing in preschool.  If you are a visiting preschool teacher, please feel free to gleen new ideas and leave comments or questions for me.  Please DO NOT judge on picture quality, or the attractiveness of our temporary location. :)  PLEASE DO focus on the cute little preschool faces and activities being highlighted. :)