Thursday, October 24, 2013

~D is for DINOSAUR~

We had such fun on our dinosaur scavenger hunt!  Miss Megan created a nest with dino eggs inside, and the little lovebugs had to find them in order to work on their next project.
Before we got down to business, we played dino land!

 Then using a salt dough recipe, we made dinosaur fossils!
We even got to take our dino fossils and a dino home with us to continue the fun.
Yay for letter D!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

~L's Birthday Party~

Not long after preschool began, we got to celebrate our first birthday!  It was so fun!  She brought her favorite book for us to read at story time, and brought cupcakes to share at snack time!  It was so nice of her mom to bring those things to share with us at preschool.  She is such a fun addition to preschool.  I am so glad she is here with us! Enjoy some pictures from the celebration. ;)
And don't worry.  I can't usually get pictures of them all looking at me at the same time. Haha!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


To help get us ready for our weekly show and tell, we had an "All About Me" show and tell.  These cute kids filled out a sheet all about them, and got to bring one of their favorite things to preschool!
It was SO fun learning about them.  I am SO excited for this year!!!!


Thursday, September 5, 2013


Without a doubt, our FAVORITE activity so far in preschool is PLAY-DOH!
I would venture to say the kids would play with it every day if we could!  Such fun!
And they definitely know how to keep it exciting. ;)


Here is a fun picture of the kids playing outside right before snack time.
 Since we are learning "All About Me", We built grape versions of ourselves with toothpicks and grapes.  We had SO much fun!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


These were the only pictures I was able to capture on the first day.  (Besides the single "First Day of Preschool" shots.)  No one wanted to look at me, but I didn't mind!  They were having lots of fun making new friends.  We had lots of fun getting to know each other on our first day of class.  It is going to be a great year!  I can't wait for more adventures!


Cute kids on the first day of the 2013-2014 preschool year.
Aren't they cute??  This year is going to be SO fun!

Monday, July 1, 2013


I don't know if this will work or not, but I am going to try and upload the end of the year slideshow we played at graduation, since it is obvious I am not caught up on updating the blog.  I guess that's what I get for starting it mid-year. Haha! I will continue to update for last year for record keeping purposes, but the posts will be post-dated so you may not always notice them.  But feel free to check often and see the new updates.
Next year will be different, and the blog will be updated weekly with pictures and details of our activities.  I PROMISE! :)
Now let's see if this works...
(If it works, ENJOY!) :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013


My handsome little man is an "unofficial" member of preschool.  He will officially be a member next year, but because he is always around, he usually gets to participate.  I wasn't going to do an un-birthday party for him, but the cute little girlies wouldn't let me get away with that! So we went ahead with his party.  Once again, no picture of the awesome cinnamon roll cake he brought to share.  Oh well.  Enjoy the rest of the celebration. :)
 The un-birthday boy!

 Opening presents from friends.
 Happy un-birthday to my little J!
Love you bud!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

I have decided to blog from the most recent classes to the oldest, so you can keep up with what we are doing a little easier. 

This week we are having two birthday parties!  That's right, TWO!  One for Mr. J, and one for Dr. Suess!  J's un-birthday party isn't until tomorrow, so we will focus on Dr. Suess for now!

Apparently we were having too much fun yesterday, because Miss Megan didn't get any pictures of the party!  I guess that happens when you are a one man show! :)

To celebrate, we read lots of  our favorite books-all by Dr. Suess!  We made Cat in the Hat hats, and Dr. Suess cootie catchers to help us practice letter recognition, counting, number recognition, and coordination.  And of course, it was FUN!

How did you celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday??  We would love to hear!

Monday, February 18, 2013

~REGISTRATION 2013-2014~

Open Enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year is quickly approaching! I thought I would post a little something giving you a few details about the upcoming school year, as well as registration information.
Open Enrollment will begin April 1, 2013.  The registration fee must be paid, and required paper work filled out in the specified month to receive the listed price.  The registration fee will hold your child's spot in Little Lovebugs Preschool. Registration fees are non-refundable.  Registration costs are as follows:

Early Registration: $30 if registered between April 1, 2013 and May 18, 2013.
Regular Registration: $40 if registered between May 20, 2013 and August 17, 2013.
Late Registration: $50 if registered after August 17, 2013.

Preschool is $60 per month.

We are excited about our new curriculum and procedure changes, and can't wait to meet our new class of 2013-2014!

We have so much fun in preschool, focusing on our simple preschool philosophy: We want to teach your child to love learning as much as we do!  We like to accomplish this through engaging in all sorts of activities, including science experiements, math, making tons of messes, and focusing on the development of crucial social and educational skills that will give them a head start in life.

Because our area is small, our preschool welcomes children ages 3 and 4, who are potty trained and who will be 3 before September 1, 2013.

Let me know if you would like me to get registration paper work to you, or if you have any other questions.

I look forward to working with your child!!

~Miss Megan

Thursday, February 7, 2013


B finally got her un-birthday party, and what a fun one it was!  She was SO excited!  I guess I was slacking again and failed to get a picture of the delicious cupcakes she brought to share with the class, but enjoy some pictures of the fun celebration!
(Once again, just ignore the
 What a pretty girl!!

Fun presents from friends!
A very happy un-birthday, to you!