Thursday, March 7, 2013


My handsome little man is an "unofficial" member of preschool.  He will officially be a member next year, but because he is always around, he usually gets to participate.  I wasn't going to do an un-birthday party for him, but the cute little girlies wouldn't let me get away with that! So we went ahead with his party.  Once again, no picture of the awesome cinnamon roll cake he brought to share.  Oh well.  Enjoy the rest of the celebration. :)
 The un-birthday boy!

 Opening presents from friends.
 Happy un-birthday to my little J!
Love you bud!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

I have decided to blog from the most recent classes to the oldest, so you can keep up with what we are doing a little easier. 

This week we are having two birthday parties!  That's right, TWO!  One for Mr. J, and one for Dr. Suess!  J's un-birthday party isn't until tomorrow, so we will focus on Dr. Suess for now!

Apparently we were having too much fun yesterday, because Miss Megan didn't get any pictures of the party!  I guess that happens when you are a one man show! :)

To celebrate, we read lots of  our favorite books-all by Dr. Suess!  We made Cat in the Hat hats, and Dr. Suess cootie catchers to help us practice letter recognition, counting, number recognition, and coordination.  And of course, it was FUN!

How did you celebrate Dr. Suess' birthday??  We would love to hear!