Thursday, February 26, 2015


"The Rainbow Fish", by Marcus Pfister is a wonderful way to teach children about friendship, and selflessness.
We had lots of fun during our ocean until learning about Rainbow Fish.
We painted rainbow fish, and added our very own special scale using glitter.  Then we each came up with a way we can each be a better friend, just like Rainbow Fish!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


We had such fun celebrating this cute girls birthday today!  She brought fun treats, opened fun presents, and brought a fun story to read during story time.
We love our friends, and the FUN time we have together at preschool!!


We made fun movable snakes for letter S day!
We wore silly socks-and silly Miss Megan forgot to take a picture of them.  Oh man!  Oh well.  Next time.  ;-)

 Their snakes turned out great!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015


We had SO much fun talking about Rain today!  If only it had rained today-then it would have been perfect. ;-)
Our Story "Rain, Rain, Go Away" by
started us off right!  After show and tell, we made our very own rain clouds!

 We made a paper version, and did a special science experiment to show the process of evaporation and condensation.  It was so cool to see each little cloud "Rain"!

 What begins with R?  Rainbow!  Rainbows come after the rain, and watercolor paints use water-just like rain!
 How do we make it rain?  We make rain sticks, and use them to dance!  These kids are so fun.  I love their creative little minds!  What fun they are!

The only thing that would have made the day more perfect-RAIN!
But it WAS fun to play outside in the nice weather. ;-)

Thursday, February 12, 2015


We had such fun at our Valentine Party and missed those who couldn't make it!  Here are just a few of the fun things we did!
They had fun tracing their own names on their own personal little love bugs!  Didn't they do a great job tracing? 


Enjoying yummy Valentine cupcakes!  Mmmmm.

Making Valentine's for the ones they love most.

Look at all the fun Valentine boxes and bags.  Aren't they cute and creative??

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Q Q Q...What begins with Q?

That's what!  We had so much fun making these duck masks.  Miss Megan may have gotten a headache from all the Quacking, but it was worth it to see their happy faces and hear their cute giggles. ;-)

These kids love play doh so much!  So of course I had to get a play doh picture or two.
And shhh...don't tell them they are working on their fine motor skills while they play. ;-)  Miss Megan is sure tricky like that!

Just about everyday they beg Miss Megan to let them eat their snack outside.  The weather has been so nice I couldn't say no today!

Miss Megan's new goal is to blog everyday after preschool.  That means she will be sure to take lots of pictures!  It is easy to forget with so many littles running around, but we need the pictures too to remember our fun times!  So stay tuned for more pictures in the future!