Tuesday, February 17, 2015


We had SO much fun talking about Rain today!  If only it had rained today-then it would have been perfect. ;-)
Our Story "Rain, Rain, Go Away" by
started us off right!  After show and tell, we made our very own rain clouds!

 We made a paper version, and did a special science experiment to show the process of evaporation and condensation.  It was so cool to see each little cloud "Rain"!

 What begins with R?  Rainbow!  Rainbows come after the rain, and watercolor paints use water-just like rain!
 How do we make it rain?  We make rain sticks, and use them to dance!  These kids are so fun.  I love their creative little minds!  What fun they are!

The only thing that would have made the day more perfect-RAIN!
But it WAS fun to play outside in the nice weather. ;-)

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