Tuesday, March 24, 2015


This month we have been learning about pirates!
Miss Megan made a fun treasure map for them to go on an adventure, and they found some awesome treasure!
Here they are with their spy glasses, to help them find their treasure.
 Following the map!  They had to think hard and use teamwork.

 They found the treasure!
 Bubbles!  I get asked often if we can go on another treasure hunt. ;-)

Thursday, March 19, 2015


We played with Volcanos for the letter V!  It was so much fun to watch their reactions as they made their little piles of volcanos "erupt".  They used up all the baking soda and vinegar I had on hand!  So worth it.  Their faces were priceless! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


The Leprechaun's came to visit us at preschool!  We didn't catch them, but they left us clues to follow and we found a fun treat!  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the fun adventure, but I got a few shots of some other fun things we did to celebrate the day of green.
We painted our very own Leprechaun's with rainbow paint...

 Had a snack of green milk and Lucky charms cereal...

 And got some fun rainbows from Miss Megan!  They each got their own rainbow with characteristics of them on each strip of the rainbow.
And everyone wore green, so no one got pinched! ;-)

Thursday, March 12, 2015


We got to celebrate this sweet girls un-birthday!  It is so fun to wear a crown, blow out candles, eat cupcakes, read favorite stories, and open gifts from friends, isn't it??

 A "Pinkalicious" story for a pink loving girl.
 Some cute friends!

SO much fun to celebrate with friends!  Happy day cute girl!

Friday, March 6, 2015


Rainbows are awesome!  We learned a super fun new song to help us remember the colors of the rainbow.  Ask your child to sing it for you!  I'll share the words just in case, and hopefully your child can remember the rhythm and music.
"Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.  Indigo and Violet too!
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.  Indigo and Violet too!
These are the colors of the *Rain* *bow*!"
While singing the colors, they should be clapping their legs and then their hands, and alternating.  Then snapping once for *rain* and once for *bow*.
Hopefully that makes sense, and helps them remember if they have forgotten!  We will be singing it a whole lot more now!
Once we learned the colors, we could make our rainbows!  Didn't they turn out so fun?!

We began discussing the importance of teeth brushing and care.  Each child got a tooth brushing chart as we discussed the Letter T.  For each day your child brushes his or her teeth morning and night, have him or her write an uppercase T in the box on the appropriate day.  Hang it somewhere in the bathroom or another convenient spot to help you both remember to get those teeth sparkling clean!  Please be sure to fill this out and return it on or before March 17!  If you haven't seen it yet, check your child's backpack.  Each child will receive a special surprise for filling the chart out, so PLEASE, PLEASE fill it out and return it on time.
I thank you, and your child thanks you!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Dr. Seuss had a birthday this week!  We did lots of fun things in preschool to celebrate.
We made "Cat in the Hat" hats:

 We used our Dr. Seuss like imaginations and brain power!  We made fun pictures on our paper towels, then painted our creations with water.  It was fun to hypothesize why our shapes changed when we added water.
 We had a special Dr. Seuss snack, too!  Green eggs and ham.  We talked lots about trying new things, and got all but one of them to try it.  Once they tried it all I heard was, "Weird!  It tastes just like regular eggs and regular ham!" And they all gobbled it up!  haha!
 Everyone brought their favorite Dr. Seuss book to share, and we had lots of fun reading them.