Friday, March 6, 2015


Rainbows are awesome!  We learned a super fun new song to help us remember the colors of the rainbow.  Ask your child to sing it for you!  I'll share the words just in case, and hopefully your child can remember the rhythm and music.
"Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.  Indigo and Violet too!
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.  Indigo and Violet too!
These are the colors of the *Rain* *bow*!"
While singing the colors, they should be clapping their legs and then their hands, and alternating.  Then snapping once for *rain* and once for *bow*.
Hopefully that makes sense, and helps them remember if they have forgotten!  We will be singing it a whole lot more now!
Once we learned the colors, we could make our rainbows!  Didn't they turn out so fun?!

We began discussing the importance of teeth brushing and care.  Each child got a tooth brushing chart as we discussed the Letter T.  For each day your child brushes his or her teeth morning and night, have him or her write an uppercase T in the box on the appropriate day.  Hang it somewhere in the bathroom or another convenient spot to help you both remember to get those teeth sparkling clean!  Please be sure to fill this out and return it on or before March 17!  If you haven't seen it yet, check your child's backpack.  Each child will receive a special surprise for filling the chart out, so PLEASE, PLEASE fill it out and return it on time.
I thank you, and your child thanks you!!!!

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